February 2012 – Exceeding expectations

In February of 2012, we returned to Ille A Vache. On our last trip we built a pathway from the school to the orphanage, allowing disabled and wheelchair-bound children get to school without having to be carried over rocky and often broken ground.
The school itself sits above ground level, with a ramp that many an experienced mountaineer would have trouble climbing.   When we saw the slope that staff were trying to negotiate we decided this had to be our next project.
Our volunteers extended and leveled the ramp to the building, created new foundations, mixed and poured tons of concrete.  The finished result gives the children and staff measurably easier access and egress to move between the accommodation, physiotherapy and canteen areas.
We painted walls and ceilings at every turn and waterproofed the orphanage storage spaces.  We continued on the work of the previous trip and laid a pathway to the children’s school. Having exceeded expectations we finished the planned work for the week early and added on some additional tasks.  Home life for many of the children in Madame Bernard consists of poor timber structures and corrugated sheeting.   In an effort to make those hours spent at school a better experience our team painted the inside and outside of the facility.
Our enthusiastic and hardy group of volunteers got through quite an amount of work on our February 2012 trip.  As always, it is only possible with your continued support. Even in these difficult economic times we continue to be humbled and amazed by the compassion and generosity of the Irish.  If you would like to help us change children’s lives, you can securely donate online today.

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